Where's that webcam image of Thelma & Bertha?
For years you could watch here our chickens doing whatever they were doing which was basically nothing at all. This webcam started as a joke and we want to keep it this way but from an environmental point of view is keeping up a webcam/laptop/router NOT a good idea. So if you want to see our Ladies you're more than welcome at our home.

zaterdag, oktober 29, 2005

It's a hype Jim!

Face it, how much more famous can 2 simple, brown chickens from Belgium become? A talk show? Today an interesting interview with Thelma & Louise was published in Het Laatste Nieuws, a major Belgian newspaper. They gave their view on the bird flu and the fact that they will have to move to a party tent due to the quarantine measures of the authorities. In a nice gesture they allowed me to join them on the photo.


Anonymous hilde Scheltjens said...

Ja, koen ik had een ander idee over jouw 'kipjes'?! een ontgoogelde fan!

11:03 AM


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