Where's that webcam image of Thelma & Bertha?
For years you could watch here our chickens doing whatever they were doing which was basically nothing at all. This webcam started as a joke and we want to keep it this way but from an environmental point of view is keeping up a webcam/laptop/router NOT a good idea. So if you want to see our Ladies you're more than welcome at our home.

dinsdag, juli 28, 2009

Summer 2009

What's up? Still no intention to blog more Mr. Barboomba? The answer is no. Facebook is my primary network (for the moment) so if you're interested in what I'm doing, click on the facebook badge on the right. For the non-facebook people the following update: Curly Goddess and I spend 3 weeks traveling through Thailand earlier this year and we're just back from a city trip in London. Later this year we're traveling down the Rioja winery route in Spain and we start looking at 2010 (Jordania/Canada not during the same trip of course).

It's a wonder that Curly even wants to travel since she is on a 4 day per week base in Holland and every other week in France. Not always fun but a woman has to do what a woman has to do :-)


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